The Latest Technology - ARTAS iX Robot

We use the latest physician-assisted ARTAS iX® Robotic Hair Restoration System to identify your optimal hairs to use for transplant.

The ARTAS iXTM System was developed with leading hair transplant physicians and researchers. The system utilizes state-of-the-art robotic technology to assist physicians with difficult, repetitive and precise movements, which may reduce the risk of human error. It is a clinically proven, permanent solution that provides natural results without stitches, staples, linear scarring and avoids damage to existing hair.

Proven Hair Loss Solutions

Mayer Hair Restoration has taken great pride in providing men across Long Island and the tri-state area with the latest breakthroughs in proven hair loss treatment and hair restoration solutions, including non-surgical hair restoration and replacement, laser hair therapy, and hair loss prevention programs.

Mayer Hair Restoration is and ARTAS Center of Excellence and the recognized leader in hair restoration for men suffering from the devastating effects of hair loss throughout the Tri-State area and Long Island. We offer all services in a professional, private and comfortable setting. We invite you to contact us today for a private, one-on-one consultation and hair loss evaluation.

Hair Transplants are Affordable!

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Leaders in the field of hair transplantation

The Latest Technology

We use the latest physician-assisted ARTAS iX® Robotic Hair Restoration System to identify your optimal hairs to use for transplant.

Before and After Images

People from all over New York visit our hair restoration practice for our robotic hair restoration procedure. Take a look at the ARTAS iX robotic hair transplant results.

100% Confidential

phone icon (631) 230-0800

Mayer Hair Restoration is New York’s premiere hair restoration practice. Specializing in hair loss treatment, we help men and women regain their confidence in a comfortable and discreet environment.

Highly Effective and Safe Hair Transplant Procedures in Long Island


General Hair Loss Information

By age 35, 67% of men suffer from hair loss or male pattern baldness, and by age 50, that number jumps to 85%. Learn how we can help you restore your confidence – Continue Reading


The ARTAS iX System

Feel years younger with ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant. This FDA-cleared, physician-assisted technology provides permanent and natural-looking hair restoration. Learn More

Flexible Payment Options

CareCredit helps make the health, wellness and beauty treatments and procedures you want possible today. For more information about Care Credit, click here – Hair Transplant Payments

Top Rated Hair Loss Doctor in Long Island

Board-Certified Surgeon – David A. Mayer, MD

Board-certified surgeon and Associate Member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, David A. Mayer, MD, brings more than 30 years of experience in hair restoration and hair transplants to Mayer Hair Restoration, serving men and women in Hauppauge, New York, and throughout Suffolk County.

Before founding Mayer Hair Restoration, Dr. Mayer practiced surgery for more than three decades, serving in the North Shore-Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center Health System in New York. He remains the director of surgery emeritus at one of these facilities and holds the academic rank of an associate professor of clinical surgery.

Dr. Mayer

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